Namespace: Request

TDI.Ajax. Request

The Request API for the TDI Ajax. Provides methods to send TDI requests.


<static> ajaxifyUrl(url)

Modifies the URL and adds an Ajax (tdi) flag.

Name Type Description
url String

The URL to modify


The modified URL


<static> send(url, options)

Sends the Ajax request and calls the needed callback methods.

Name Type Description
url String

The request URL.

options Object

jQuery.ajax() settings. Aditional options:

method <String> The HTTP method used to send the request. Defaults to get.
data <(String|Object)> Data to be sent to the server. It is converted to a query string, if not already a string. See jQuery documentation for $.ajax()
sync <(Boolean)> Whether the AJAX request should be synchronous or not. Defaults to false
beforeStart <Function> Function to be called before the request is sent. If this function returns false, the request is not sent. This function is called with parameters:
xhr <jqXHR> the jqXHR object
settings <Object> The settings map used in the jQuery $.ajax call
options <Object> Aditional request options
start <Function> Function to be called before the request is sent. This function is called with parameters:
xhr <jqXHR> The jqXHR object
settings <Object> The settings map used in the jQuery $.ajax call
options <Object> Aditional request options
beforeEnd <Function> Function to be called after the request is complete. If this function returns false, the default end callback is not executed. This function is called with parameters:
xhr <jqXHR> The jqXHR object
textStatus <String> Status of the request ("success", "notmodified", "error", "timeout", "abort", or "parsererror")
options <Object> Aditional request options
end <Function> Function to be called after the request is complete. This function is called with parameters:
xhr <jqXHR> The jqXHR object
textStatus <String> Status of the request ("success", "notmodified", "error", "timeout", "abort", or "parsererror")
options <Object> Aditional request options

xhr The jqXHR object


<static> sendForm(form, options)

Submits a form using an Iframe (fake Ajax call).

Name Type Description
form String | jQuery | HTMLElement

The form element which will be sent.

options Object

Aditional request options:

beforeStart <Function> Function to be called before the request is sent. If this function returns false, the request is not sent. This function is called with parameters:
form <jQuery> The form which is to be submited
options <Object> Aditional request options
start <Function> Function to be called before the request is sent. This function is called with parameters:
form <jQuery> The form which is to be submited
options <Object> Aditional request options
beforeEnd <Function> Function to be called after the request is complete. If this function returns false, the default end callback is not executed. This function is called with parameters:
form <jQuery> The form which was submited
options <Object> Aditional request options
xml <jQuery> The response XML document
end <Function> Function to be called after the request is complete. This function is called with parameters:
form <jQuery> The form which was submited
options <Object> Aditional request options
xml <jQuery> The response XML document

xhr The jqXHR object or null if the iframe method is used




Fires when the TDI request has ended.

Name Type Description
evt Event

The event object

data Object

The event properties

Name Type Description
options Object

Additional request options


Fires when the Ajax request ends with an error.

Name Type Description
evt Event

The event object

data Object

The event properties

Name Type Description
status String

The XHR status text (if available)

message String

The error message

xhr jqXHR

The jqXHR object (see jQuery documentation for jQuery.ajax())

textStatus String

The XHR text status (if available)

options Object

Additional request options


Fires when the TDI request has started.

Name Type Description
evt Event

The event object

data Object

The event properties

Name Type Description
xhr jqXHR

The jqXHR object

options Object

Additional request options

settings Object

The Ajax settings